Sunday, September 23, 2012

Biblical Proof Jesus was a man of Color

Why do we have to prove this, is very sad when the Bible says it all through out the Holy Scriptures! Humans allowed their hate of another being to change the words of a God they claim to love just like the brothers of Joseph out of jealousy and envy.... A very sinful act indeed....

First thing first people, I don't care what your aspect of belief is and I don't even know if any of our beliefs are even true until we die and see the truth anyway but AT LEAST go by what you claim to believe in wholly! THE BIBLE DESCRIBES JESUS AS A MAN OF COLOR! Don't change that because of your racism or because of what other's painted. He was brown skin with kinky hair! Black people, stop falling for everything and everybody else stop lying!
Jesus was an Israelite from the tribe of Judah. The Israelites were brown skinned (black) people, I'll show you biblical proof. When the sons of Israel sold their youngest brother Joseph to Egyptians, they lost contact with him for many years,and assumed he was dead. Many years later when there was famine in their land, Israel sent his sons to Egypt to get food. When they got to Egypt ,they met no other than their long lost brother Joseph, Joseph was now a powerfull man in Egypt. Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him, because he looked just like any other ancient Egyptian (brown skinned), he even spoke to them in Egyptian through an interpretor, although he spoke hebrew, in order to not blow his cover at first.If Joseph, or his brothers were of pale(white) skin, there is no reason for Joseph to pretend to be an Egyptian, because his skin color would have given him away. Egypt is in Africa,and the ancient Egyptians were dark skinned people, untill European invasian. Where now there are many tan Egyptians (olive complexion).
Secondly...Moses was born an Israelite (dark brown skin), but grew up thinking he was an Egyptian(dark brown skin), if Moses and the Israelites were "white", Moses, never wud have thought he. Was Egyptian./#3rd, when Jesus was born, an angel told his parents to hide him in Egypt, to be safe from death per king Herod, if Jesus the baby Israelite was white, they wud have hid him in Rome, amongst other whites. The popular paintings of blue eyed Jesus is actually Cezar Borgia. There is no evidence or biblical proof that. Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes. Revelations: his only physical description is hair of wool, and feet like fine brass,as if they were burned in a furnace.(black). Just food for thought, no hate please...mayberry style
Don’t take this as afrocentricity it’s truth…I know some will say what does it matter, but the truth always matters…Going by history books you would believe that blacks contributed nothing to civilization when they in fact started the whole thing…The original bible is “The Book of the Dead” by the Egyptians…same story’s and characters different names…

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Paul Mooney: Jesus was Black and so was Cleopatra

The Unimaginable...

Can you fathom the analogy that this is world is more than meets the eye? That maybe, just maybe there's really something major in the works to happen on a more spiritual level? If not, why not open your mind to the possibility of something unimaginable happening so that you're not caught like a deer in headlights? Open your mind to be prepared for a potential Shift in the Galaxy......
Everything in this universe place it's course and part with the human anatomy. Ask yourself why does rain affect people with certain injuries, and the moon or sun affect others in other ways? If all of these different planets align and the weather goes out of control how do you think it may affect humans?..... I think it depends on the genetic codes of that individual! Like mixing the right amount of chemicals under the right temperature could either destroy or create......
Do you not believe in the unseen? Things that you personally haven't seen yet, do you discredit it's existence? How can you say you believe in a God but you claim to be afraid of or not even believe in spirits walking this earth or ghosts and aliens? How do you believe that with all the different life forms in this realm alone that there's absolutely NOTHING else in the rest of this very large universe?

It's time to wake up people. Time is running out and those unimaginable, unseen before events are getting closer and closer..... You don't want to be frozen like deer in headlights when it began....

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eddie Griffin Speaks the Truth

Actor/Comedian Eddie Griffin touches truth in numerous controversial topics in this stand up, "You Can Tell'Em I Said It". Although made funny for laughs, this act was very educational!

A ControverCIAl State

This went from the United States of America to the United Empire of Earth.... Wherever this country has landed they built something and never left.... Do your research and look at the US permanent bases still in Japan, Vietnam, Iraq, Etc.... We are trying to take over everywhere and people think that's all good! We have all this power right? Well what ALWAYS happens to that bully that you know? Eventually they go up against the right one and they made so many enemies before hand that they're lucky if they survive it..... Time to wake up people. Obama ain't shit but a smooth talking piece to this whole big ass puzzle controlled by a hidden control base and as soon as he don't do what THEY say to do.... He's expendable and he has a family which means he has too much to lose (If that's even his real family... Shit who knows nowadays) The government, whatever that may entail, don't give a SHIT about us or US they lover POWER and POWER to them is inflicting FEAR into people..... When we stop being blind and wake up is when we will get angry enough to intelligently fight back as ONE because NOBODY is safe, FUCK race! Wake up Stand up!!!! This is a A ControverCIAl State Like Our Page on Facebook:

The Main Concept

That's something I don't understand about these gangs. Bloods and Crips started from Black Panthers and was meant to still protect our communities from the oppressive nature of the government. Instead, somehow some dumb ass ignorance got into play and we all started to fight each other falling right into the palm of the governments plans..... I swear I wish people would wake up!