Can you fathom the analogy that this is world is more than meets the eye? That maybe, just maybe there's really something major in the works to happen on a more spiritual level? If not, why not open your mind to the possibility of something unimaginable happening so that you're not caught like a deer in headlights? Open your mind to be prepared for a potential Shift in the Galaxy......
Everything in this universe place it's course and part with the human anatomy. Ask yourself why does rain affect people with certain injuries, and the moon or sun affect others in other ways? If all of these different planets align and the weather goes out of control how do you think it may affect humans?..... I think it depends on the genetic codes of that individual! Like mixing the right amount of chemicals under the right temperature could either destroy or create......
Do you not believe in the unseen? Things that you personally haven't seen yet, do you discredit it's existence? How can you say you believe in a God but you claim to be afraid of or not even believe in spirits walking this earth or ghosts and aliens? How do you believe that with all the different life forms in this realm alone that there's absolutely NOTHING else in the rest of this very large universe?
It's time to wake up people. Time is running out and those unimaginable, unseen before events are getting closer and closer..... You don't want to be frozen like deer in headlights when it began....
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