Sunday, September 23, 2012

Biblical Proof Jesus was a man of Color

Why do we have to prove this, is very sad when the Bible says it all through out the Holy Scriptures! Humans allowed their hate of another being to change the words of a God they claim to love just like the brothers of Joseph out of jealousy and envy.... A very sinful act indeed....

First thing first people, I don't care what your aspect of belief is and I don't even know if any of our beliefs are even true until we die and see the truth anyway but AT LEAST go by what you claim to believe in wholly! THE BIBLE DESCRIBES JESUS AS A MAN OF COLOR! Don't change that because of your racism or because of what other's painted. He was brown skin with kinky hair! Black people, stop falling for everything and everybody else stop lying!
Jesus was an Israelite from the tribe of Judah. The Israelites were brown skinned (black) people, I'll show you biblical proof. When the sons of Israel sold their youngest brother Joseph to Egyptians, they lost contact with him for many years,and assumed he was dead. Many years later when there was famine in their land, Israel sent his sons to Egypt to get food. When they got to Egypt ,they met no other than their long lost brother Joseph, Joseph was now a powerfull man in Egypt. Joseph recognized his brothers but they did not recognize him, because he looked just like any other ancient Egyptian (brown skinned), he even spoke to them in Egyptian through an interpretor, although he spoke hebrew, in order to not blow his cover at first.If Joseph, or his brothers were of pale(white) skin, there is no reason for Joseph to pretend to be an Egyptian, because his skin color would have given him away. Egypt is in Africa,and the ancient Egyptians were dark skinned people, untill European invasian. Where now there are many tan Egyptians (olive complexion).
Secondly...Moses was born an Israelite (dark brown skin), but grew up thinking he was an Egyptian(dark brown skin), if Moses and the Israelites were "white", Moses, never wud have thought he. Was Egyptian./#3rd, when Jesus was born, an angel told his parents to hide him in Egypt, to be safe from death per king Herod, if Jesus the baby Israelite was white, they wud have hid him in Rome, amongst other whites. The popular paintings of blue eyed Jesus is actually Cezar Borgia. There is no evidence or biblical proof that. Jesus had blonde hair and blue eyes. Revelations: his only physical description is hair of wool, and feet like fine brass,as if they were burned in a furnace.(black). Just food for thought, no hate please...mayberry style
Don’t take this as afrocentricity it’s truth…I know some will say what does it matter, but the truth always matters…Going by history books you would believe that blacks contributed nothing to civilization when they in fact started the whole thing…The original bible is “The Book of the Dead” by the Egyptians…same story’s and characters different names…

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Paul Mooney: Jesus was Black and so was Cleopatra

The Unimaginable...

Can you fathom the analogy that this is world is more than meets the eye? That maybe, just maybe there's really something major in the works to happen on a more spiritual level? If not, why not open your mind to the possibility of something unimaginable happening so that you're not caught like a deer in headlights? Open your mind to be prepared for a potential Shift in the Galaxy......
Everything in this universe place it's course and part with the human anatomy. Ask yourself why does rain affect people with certain injuries, and the moon or sun affect others in other ways? If all of these different planets align and the weather goes out of control how do you think it may affect humans?..... I think it depends on the genetic codes of that individual! Like mixing the right amount of chemicals under the right temperature could either destroy or create......
Do you not believe in the unseen? Things that you personally haven't seen yet, do you discredit it's existence? How can you say you believe in a God but you claim to be afraid of or not even believe in spirits walking this earth or ghosts and aliens? How do you believe that with all the different life forms in this realm alone that there's absolutely NOTHING else in the rest of this very large universe?

It's time to wake up people. Time is running out and those unimaginable, unseen before events are getting closer and closer..... You don't want to be frozen like deer in headlights when it began....

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eddie Griffin Speaks the Truth

Actor/Comedian Eddie Griffin touches truth in numerous controversial topics in this stand up, "You Can Tell'Em I Said It". Although made funny for laughs, this act was very educational!

A ControverCIAl State

This went from the United States of America to the United Empire of Earth.... Wherever this country has landed they built something and never left.... Do your research and look at the US permanent bases still in Japan, Vietnam, Iraq, Etc.... We are trying to take over everywhere and people think that's all good! We have all this power right? Well what ALWAYS happens to that bully that you know? Eventually they go up against the right one and they made so many enemies before hand that they're lucky if they survive it..... Time to wake up people. Obama ain't shit but a smooth talking piece to this whole big ass puzzle controlled by a hidden control base and as soon as he don't do what THEY say to do.... He's expendable and he has a family which means he has too much to lose (If that's even his real family... Shit who knows nowadays) The government, whatever that may entail, don't give a SHIT about us or US they lover POWER and POWER to them is inflicting FEAR into people..... When we stop being blind and wake up is when we will get angry enough to intelligently fight back as ONE because NOBODY is safe, FUCK race! Wake up Stand up!!!! This is a A ControverCIAl State Like Our Page on Facebook:

The Main Concept

That's something I don't understand about these gangs. Bloods and Crips started from Black Panthers and was meant to still protect our communities from the oppressive nature of the government. Instead, somehow some dumb ass ignorance got into play and we all started to fight each other falling right into the palm of the governments plans..... I swear I wish people would wake up!

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Lucky Larry Silverstein

Do Obama’s friends and appointments matter?

Do Obama’s friends and appointments matter?
Do the people with whom we associate, say something about us? If all my friends are doctors or physicists, aren’t I probably a bit different from the person whose friends are all either, thieves or drug dealers? Like it or not, Our associations, our choices, say something about us. Failure to acknowledge this is to be in denial. This truth applies to everyone, even our president. What follows are facts… what they mean, I’ll leave to others to judge… For me, his past associations of our President were troubling but a bit understandable… 20 years in the church of reverend Jeremiah Wright? His long time friendship with felon Tony Resco? Beginning his political career in the home of the terrorist, Bill Ayers? Right hand man was soon to be felon Jon Corzine? I can and did overlook all of this; it was his past… and I am about the future. However, the string of appointments that followed his election i.e. putting people in positions of power whose philosophies were clearly opposed to fundamental US principles of free markets, freedom of speech, opportunity for success, were troubling, to say the least. What follows is not intended to be a hit piece. However, it is a disturbing, but factual overview of many of President Obama’s political appointments that are now impacting every aspect of our society, from jobs and education to energy and defence. As we’ll see, it’s no surprise that we’ve gotten the results we have, when we examine the ideas of those Obama has placed in charge.

It’s almost as if someone wants the most successful society and economy in history to fail. Do they??

WRONG POLICIES? We’ve now experienced almost 4 years of president Obama. 4 years of his policies and his results. He inherited a difficult situation, to be sure. It’s possible that the failure to fight out of our economic problems are the result of the severity of the issues that existed when he took office. It is also possible that the policies that have been instituted by him and the people he has put in power, simply don’t work. Note: When Ronald Reagan took office, the economy was worse than that inherited by Obama; higher inflation, higher unemployment, higher interest rates, etc… By this time in his first term, the economy had completely turned around. Reagan’s prescription was EXACTLY the opposite of that instituted by Obama and his people; lower taxes, lower spending, fewer regulations. The US has always been a capitalistic, free market society. The fundamental principles upon which we were founded created the freest, wealthiest society the world has ever seen. That is a fact! Reagan understood this and pursued policies that conformed with that reality. Is it possible that our continuing problems are the result of our current leaders having opposite underlying philosophies that are taking us down a different road? Could that have something to do with this never ending economic malaise? The philosophies of our leaders, impact the decisions they make and the results we get. Haven’t we been moving away from what history shows creates prosperity and towards what history shows, does not work? i.e. the socialistic tendencies of France or Greece? Isn’t it time to take a look at the core beliefs of this administration and decide if we really want them to stay in power? DID I VOTE FOR OBAMA? No, but I had HOPE and even some optimism. I didn’t vote for Obama, but I didn’t dislike him. He is obviously, intelligent, his rhetoric was beautiful, he was inspiring, but because I had a fundamental difference in political philosophy, he did not get my support. When he was elected, I hoped for the best and supported him. As far as I was concerned, he had a blank slate and in keeping with the campaign motto, I had hope. I even felt that he started his administration right. He made decisions that I thought were wise, he kept continuity of leadership for the military. He didn’t immediately withdraw from Iraq, which I firmly believed would have been disastrous. In spite of his campaign promises, he did not shut down Guantanamo. Understand, I’m all for keeping campaign promises… but I’m even more in favor of doing the right thing for the country. Decisions should always be amenable to change when new facts come into play. Once you are actually president, you have more facts, with which, to make decisions and he did so. That’s what you are supposed to do. In short, I was optimistic that the reality of the office, the new facts at hand, the full responsibility and weight of the office combined with a fuller understanding of how everything related and connected was nudging him to what I felt was a more appropriate direction of governance.

Don’t get me wrong, I never expected him to be Ronald Reagan, or Bill Clinton… but I, at least, hoped he’d be Jimmy Carter. NOT THE CHANGE I EXPECTED- Then, little by little we began to find he was operating by presidential fiat; rather than through legislation. Instead of actions undertaken with the prevue of legislative oversight and balance of power limitations, he created an unprecedented network of Czars, unlike we have ever seen. Czars that impact our energy, our speech, our communication, our education, our businesses, our jobs; every corner of our society and economy and they answer to no one other than the president! This was one of the most egregious power grabs in our history. These Czars are outside of our constitutional processes and effectively unaccountable to congress. They are used to dictate, via executive power, the requirements and actions of our country’s businesses and people… There now continues a disturbing “tweaking” in almost every aspect of our economy and society. We are seeing small, almost unnoticeable nudges that have long-term cumulative effects that can eventually fundamentally change and undermine the nature of our country and society. SINCE WHEN TO WE PROSECUTE HEROES? This president put our future security at risk by positioning the axe of criminal prosecution squarely over the heads of, what I believe, are heroes. He allowed the consideration of criminal proceedings against the very US agents that were instrumental in preventing the death of untold Americans. What was their crime? They implemented legal enhanced interrogation techniques to protect us. They used water boarding to gather information and to protect and save American lives from future vicious terrorists’ attacks. In total, it was used on only 3 terrorists. It is acknowledged that it prevented attacks, it saved lives, and these heroes were now under threat of prosecution? Obviously, we wouldn’t allow and would prosecute anyone that followed murderous, unlawful orders. But that is not what this was. Our agents were not acting like the guards at Auschwitz starving and murdering entire families. I personally even question whether water boarding can logically even be deemed torture. Is it uncomfortable? Yes. Scary? Yes. But torture? I don’t think so. Realize, our military personnel are routinely subjected to water boarding as part of their training to learn to deal with the actual torture techniques that they might be subjected to by our enemies. Even scores of American journalists have volunteered to undergo it so they could get a clear understanding of what water boarding is… and is not. These military personnel and journalists are not walking around maimed or emotionally debilitated from the experience. It’s not fun… but it’s not torture. But the real point… How many Americans would have died, if our agents refused to implement this controversial technique for fear of prosecution? How may will die in the future because someday an agent may fear to follow a lawful command? 

Whose child is going to die because of this? I can tell you right now, that if I knew it were my son’s life in the cross hairs of a terrorist attack, I would thank God for these agents for doing what they do… If necessary, I’d do it myself. More than likely, in order to save your child or your wife, you would too. So how can we even think about condemning them for their commitment to saving all of us? Our president allowed this. To threaten criminal prosecution of the men that are doing what needs to be done to protect our families is incomprehensible and unconscionable. This has huge future ramifications for our future security. What’s worse? This is no accident. Just because they do stupid things does not mean they are stupid people. They aren’t. They know exactly what they are doing and they know the consequences. This is a travesty and it is the direct result of the company our president keeps and the philosophies of the people he appoints. So, who are these people?? WHO DID OBAMA ASSOCIATE WITH, WHO DID HE APPOINT? We all know that our associations say, at least, something about who we are. It’s not conclusive, but it matters. Anyone who believes otherwise is in denial. As discussed above, I was willing and did give him a pass regarding his troubling past associations. A new day, a new start, even though… We knew that Obama had spent 20 years in the church of reverend Jeremiah Wright. I thought it was unlikely that he was truthful when Obama said he never heard Wright say any of those incredibly hateful, disturbing things that we’ve all now heard a million times. But I withheld judgment, I gave him a pass. We knew of his relationship with Tony Resco. President Obama’s house was financed by this long time friend and ultimately jailed felon. If you care to do so, you can look up the details of this “fishy” transaction. We knew he started his political career at the home of felon Bill Ayers, the leader and co-founder of the criminal “weather underground” a domestic terrorist organization. Ayers, was a terrorist who blew up bombs targeted at the Pentagon, Police stations and other public buildings. Bill Ayers, amazingly is now a “respected” college professor. Obama’s right hand man, was felon Jon Corzine of MF Global. While under his control, MF Global, mysteriously lost $2 Billion in investors money. Incredibly, no one is currently complaining. I guess it’s good to be the friend of the King? But most of this was before he was elected. It was his formative years. He was in a situation and place, in which, getting into politics may have required questionable associations, it was Chicago, after all. I, again, gave him a pass, gave him the benefit of the doubt. THEN HE TOOK OFFICE Now, the rubber hit the road. It was time to start building the administration. It was time to surround himself with the political advisors to institute the policies to fix the country; time to unite, to bring the parties together, to show that he really is the president of all, not just the unions and liberals. Time to bring the hope and change that he promised. What Did We Get? …The most purposefully divisive, deceitful, least transparent, anti business, biased administration in memory. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised. Like so many others, I had traded my skepticism and critical thinking, for HOPE. What else could we have realistically expected? We knew he had been a follower of Saul Alinsky author of “rules for radicals” a radical left wing instruction book that focused on teaching community organizing and the creation of chaos. In short the philosophy is… Pick the Target, Freeze It, Personalize It and Polarize It.’ - Saul Alinsky, Rules for Radicals. That’s what Barack Obama taught his ACORN followers in all his Community Agitator classes in Chicago. That slogan defines mob scapegoating. It is a game plan for whipping up mobs — by race, by gender, by ethnicity, by religion. Now, it’s being used in his campaign. Class warfare, the rich vs everyone else, women vs conservatives, the 1%, etc… His administration has become about pure unadulterated division and class warfare. It’s not about the country… it is now all about the creation and perpetuation of POWER. THE NEW ADMINISTRATION- A Study of Radicalism. Almost immediately he populated his administration with left wing radicals. He, surreptitiously, put people in positions of power who had views that would even make many of the most extreme liberals cringe. And this is no accident. The Obama team investigated thoroughly and they chose precisely. If an administration repeatedly nominates hard-left individuals, that is hardly a vetting error—it’s a purposeful pattern of decisions. Team Obama is simply nominating those who share their goal of radically changing America. What follows are facts, not opinions. These are their views and they have every right to hold them. However, these are not the view that should be held, by someone whose job, whose oath is to uphold the constitution the laws of the united states. Attorney General – Eric Holder- this is the man who was responsible for the proposed prosecution of the agents that were protecting us. Like most of Obama’s appointees, Holder is a member of the American Constitution Society, a ACLU-type group dedicated to destroying much the Constitution in order to make it “relevant” to the modern world. The fundamental theme is to eliminate the constitutional limitations on federal power. i.e. let the feds do whatever they want (keeping the feds in check is outdated and irrelevant?). And as with many Obama’s appointees, he is obsessed with race, even to the point of refusing to pursue the prosecution of two Black Panther thugs who intimidated white voters at a polling place. If whites had harassed blacks at a polling place in this manner, they would be sitting in a jail within days. He is currently challenging the rights of states to enact citizen verification procedures previously approved by two federal courts. In other words, Holder wants to make it easier for illegal aliens to vote, which also happens to be ACORN’s goal, the organization, to which, Obama had such close ties. This comes as no surprise; Holder has been undermining the rule of law for most of his career. While serving as the #2 official in Clinton’s Justice Department, Holder was the driving force behind the effort to pardon members of the notorious Puerto Rican terrorist group, FALN, a group that engaged in over 130 attacks in the USA, killing six people. By refusing to carry out justice against the Black Panthers and the Hispanic FALN terrorists, he was clearly pandering to these two racial groups for political reasons. Science Czar – John Holdren- Holdren supports “laws requiring compulsory abortion,” government confiscation of new born babies, the “development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin,” and, “adding a sterilizing drug to drinking water or stable foods….” as long a livestock would not be affected. Holdren wants the government to dictate family size and advocates a “planetary regime,” run by the United Nations. Federal Communications Commission – Mark Lloyd- Lloyd’s view of the 1st Amendment is shocking: “It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies. “[T]he purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance.” Lloyd worked for George Soros, the foreign billionaire who funds anti-America groups. He seems to be enamored with dictators and has even publicly praised Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chavez’s “incredible…democratic revolution.” For those who don’t remember Chavez, amongst other things, he clamped down on dissent and took control of the nation’s airwaves in order to prevent the decimation of opposing ideas. He also wants to use the Fairness Doctrine to “balance” talk radio and believes there are too many white people in the media. One of his solutions to “balance” the media is to fine conservative radio stations up to $250 million and give the proceeds to National Public Radio. If he ever had his way, we would see censorship like America has never seen before. Does anyone really think this appointment was an accident? Deputy Attorney General – David Ogden- A favor for the porn industry? This was almost incomprehensible. He has devoted a substantial part of his career, case after case, for 20 years, in defense of pornography. He actually argued that libraries should be free-speech zones in which school children should have the right to access anything they want – even pornography – on school computers. I’m not a supporter of pornography, but I am in favor of freedom of speech. Pornography may have its place, but schools certainly aren’t it. Given his background, this should come as no surprise. When Ogden was an attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, he argued on constitutional grounds to strike down the conviction of a defendant who received and possessed child pornography. Ogden believes there is a constitutional right to possess child pornography. This is supporting family values? With Obama, the pattern is becoming clear… great words and speeches that mean nothing. Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel – Dawn Johnson Johnson is the former legal director for the National Abortion Rights Action League, a group on the extreme left of the abortion debate. They oppose any restrictions on abortion for any reason, at any time of pregnancy—even late term abortions. We know that abortion is controversial. I’m against it, but I understand that there are logical, cogent arguments to be made on both sides. For the right to choose camp, it’s all about personal freedom. For the right to life camp, it’s about saving the lives of the innocent. But how can you appoint someone to the administration that has so little value for life that if a woman were to give birth at 8:00 am, it’s a beautiful baby, but if that same woman had come in at 7:00 for an abortion, it’s just a medical procedure with no loss of life… no need for a second thought. The difference of an hour, changes a beautiful newborn, into a worthless mass of cells? At this late stage, it is obvious, they are not aborting a fetus, they are killing a baby. Anyone with half a brain knows it. Is the assistant attorney general amoral or just stupid?… and what does this say about those who made this appointment? Secretary, Department of Education – Arne Duncan Obama appointed Duncan because of his success as CEO of Chicago’s public schools. Despite spending $13-$14,000 per student, among the highest of any major city, the results were actually abysmal. In 2007, only 10% of black 4thgraders in Chicago reached the proficiency level in reading and for black 8th graders, only 9% reached reading proficiency. In math, only 8% of black students reached proficiency in 4th grade and just 6% reached proficiency in 8th grade. This is “success”? Even worse, a majority of Chicago public school students drop out or fail to graduate with their class. Let’s call it as it is, the Duncan era was a disaster. However, he did distinguish himself in one important way. He pursued an aggressive agenda to promote the homosexual lifestyle in the schools. It didn’t matter that the Chicago kids couldn’t read or write. Obama shored up one of his key demographics. On a quick personal note: I have nothing against homosexuality. Some of my best friends and employees have been and are homosexual. What I object to is promoting sexuality of any sort in schools… and then rewarding someone who does. At least, Obama kept this promise… this certainly is change! Assistant Deputy Secretary, Department of Education – Kevin Jennings Jennings is the founder of the Gay Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), a group dedicated to promoting the homosexual agenda to school children as young as five. They have been known to actually promote books that feature adult-child sex in a favorable way. Whether, homosexual or heterosexual, such and activity is patently wrong and offensive. Nevertheless, he was appointed and put in a position that allows him to promote his views, in his new role as head of the Department’s “Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools.” Based on these last mentioned appointments i.e. “Jennings and Duncan”, it’s clear that this is not about the safety of our children or about the improvement of our schools. It is about shoring up a voting group; it’s about keeping the homosexual community happy. Jennings even made it to press due to revelations that he gave encouraging advice to a boy who had privately confessed to him that he was having sex with an older man. What was Jennings’s advice? “ Buy a condom”. Making appointments that are obviously intended to solidify his reelection rather than to solve the issues is patently offensive. This is more of that change we voted for? United States Ambassador to United Nations – Susan Rice Even though she served on the National Security Council under President Clinton, Rice appears to have paid little attention to world events over the past couple of decades. She is unabashedly pro-UN and wants the United States to work with the United Nations in carrying out humanitarian and military actions. I’m all for cooperation, I’m all for helping others, I’m also all for expecting positive outcomes. The title of an operation does not define its results. This is especially true when speaking of the UN. The only thing that the UN, consistently does successfully, is to act against US interests and take US taxpayer money… YOUR MONEY! This appointee seems to have been unaware that the UN has never been supportive of US interests. Simply put, the UN has an unquestionable anti US bias. The only interest they have in the US, is our money. What is she and her boss thinking? They don’t stop wars; they don’t sanction terrorist regimes, and their internal corruption is so pervasive they can’t even carry out effective humanitarian missions. Giving the UN any credibility or assistance in any way is I believe nuts! This is the organization that: Is attempting to Appointed Omar Al-Bashir the murderous, genocidal warlord of Sudan to the Human rights council, as of 8-10-12, the appointment seems guaranteed How crazy is this? The International Criminal Court has issued a warrant for Omar Al-Bashir — its first ever for a sitting head of state — for crimes against humanity he allegedly committed in Darfur. Yet, his regime is set to take its place on the panel, in the latest bizarre appointment to make a mockery of the UN’s human rights credibility, according to critics. It’s like putting “Jack the Ripper in charge of a women’s shelter,” said Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch. This is the organization, with whom, we are supposed to “work closely?” Insane! Tapped Iran for a Global Arms Treaty? Ahmadinejad? The terrorist regime, whose stated goal is to wipe Israel off the map, who is supplying arms for Syria’s bloody crackdown on democracy-minded rebels, has been given a key seat at negotiations for a global arms treaty by the UN. The stunning appointment by member states attending the UN Conference of the Arms Trade Treaty in New York came last week, and is just the latest example of the world body appointing rogue and repressive regimes to leadership roles. These types of nonsensical appointments take place with alarming frequency at the UN, and include Syria’s appointment to a UNESCO human rights committee last fall. Syria, the regime that has and is committing genocide upon it’s own citizens… and Saudi Arabia’s earlier appointment to the UN’s board of the women’s rights agency… – despite laws in the Arab kingdom that don’t even allow women to drive. Have they no shame? Or simply no brains? Rather than hold the UN responsible for its repeated failings over the years, Rice blamed the US for being “unilateral” and for “stiff-arming our partners.” How can we do anything other than go it alone on important issues if “our partners” always act adversely to our interests? She even sits on the board of the UN Fund for UNICEF, an agency which has been repeatedly caught giving aid to terrorists, and during the Cold War, assisting communist insurgents. More seriously, she is overly cautious in regards to fighting terrorism. The former Ambassador to Sudan implicated Rice as the person who bungled the opportunity to take out Osama bin Laden when Sudanese officials offered him to the USA on a silver platter during the Clinton years. She rejected their offer. There’s a good chance 9/11 would have been avoided if Rice had accepted the Sudanese offer. Apparently, even though she worked for the NSC, she didn’t regard Al-Qaeda as a threat. No wonder we were hit on 9/11. And Obama chose her as our UN Ambassador? In what universe is this appointment, in the interest of the US or of the people who elected him? Counsel, State Department – Harold Koh Obama has named Koh as the State Department’s legal advisor. He believes America should defer to the International Court of Justice to determine legal precedents. Not only would this be simply unconstitutional, but in what universe does it make sense to abrogate our legal rights to an organization that believes Saudi Arabia (who doesn’t even want women to drive), should be on a board that is responsible for discussing and determining women’s human rights. He is also a member of the “trans-nationalism” school of legal thought that believes all distinctions between American Constitutional law and international law should vanish. He even believes Muslim law –Sharia law– should be applied to some disputes in US courts. Clearly, his views are in contradiction to the Constitution he swore to uphold, but no matter, he is now in charge of all legal issues for the U.S. State Department. Obama is looking out for the interest of the US? National Security Council – Samantha Power She holds fundamentally anti-Israel views. In spite of the fact that Israel is our top ally in the Middle East. She is of the opinion that until Israel allows Palestine to set up a separate state, all other problems in the Middle East will remain. This illogical position ignores the 1,300 year old war of conquest waged by Islam against the West, most of it occurring long before the modern day Israel/Palestine conflict. It also ignores that fact the stated sworn goal of Israel’s neighbor states, is not, simply the establishment of a separate state, but rather the utter obliteration of the State of Israell. She also holds to the conspiratorial view that everything America does in the Middle East – like the Iraq war – is due to Israeli influence. Finally, she has consistently opposed the idea that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, a thoroughly discredited view in light of recent events. She seems to see the world as she wishes it was, rather than what it obviously is. While she opposed sending troops to Iraq – she called it an “occupation”—she favored sending US troops to Israel to forcibly impose a Palestinian state! Power’s writing grossly exaggerates “war crimes” committed by Israel and never condemns terrorist activity by the Palestinians. So our president has chosen to make the advisor on some of the most critical issues facing this country, an individual who is an enemy of our friends and a friend of our enemies. Does this say anything about the mindset or judgement of our president? Advisor, Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy – Rosa Brooks- It’s all our fault! What an insightful grasp of world issues she has. You tell me… would anyone characterize the following as a discerning grasp of what is and is not a threat to our national security? This is the genius who wrote that Al-Qaeda was just an “obscure group” until America began the war on terrorism. This belief ignores all the documentation that Al-Qaeda was making plans for rapid growth long before 9/11. According to her, it is America’s fault that terrorist groups exist today. As if it weren’t terrorists that destroyed the trade center. Is she simply a liar who is promoting her anti US propaganda? Or is she just an idiot? Unfortunately, she is not an idiot. She called President Bush “our torturer in chief” and compared Bush’s anti-terrorist policies to Hitler’s policies. Fair minded people can disagree with policies but no one can fail to understand that Bush was trying to save lives and the Hitler was trying to eradicate Jews. She ignored the fact that Bush’s policies were responsible for stopping over 17 different terrorist plots against the United States. She also called the successful surge in Iraq a “feckless plan” and seems completely blind to the successes we had in the war on terrorism. This is another sad but obvious case of “facts don’t matter”. Rules for radicals… Attack and demonize; say anything and everything that will keep you in power. Should we really be surprised? As with many other Obama appointments, she used to work for a foundation funded by the foreign America-hater George Soros. Now she has graduated into playing an important role in deciding foreign policy. Only in America! Does this say about Obama? If so, what? Senior Advisor and Assistant and Intergovernmental Affairs – Valerie Jarrett Jarrett is involved with vetting all the extremists Obama has appointed and thus, is obviously an extremist as well. For example, she was aware that former Green Czar Van Jones (who withdrew) had a long history of involvement in Communist Party causes, but still said she was “delighted to be able to recruit him into the White House.” She knew who and what he was. She married into a family with a pedigree of Communist Party involvement. Her father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, worked closely with Obama mentor and Communist Party leader Frank Marshall Davis in a number of Communist Party front groups during the Cold War years. Valerie married Vernon’s son in 1983 and later became chief of staff for Mayor Richard Daley, where she was a key player in perhaps America’s most corrupt big city political machine. All indications are that Obama goes forward with almost nothing without her counsel. Political advisor – David Axelrod- He is not just a good campaign consultant. Axelrod has a long history of working for obscure socialist candidates and Obama was no different, politically, from his other clients. In fact, for Axelrod, promoting socialist causes was almost a family tradition. His mother wrote for a New York City tabloid called PM Magazine, which often promoted the Communist Party agenda. I fact, the author IF Stone, who was later revealed to be work for the KGB, was PM’s DC correspondent. Much of the tabloid’s funding came from Marshall Field, a hard left millionaire who also funded Saul Alinsky’s training school. Again, the Saul Alinsky “rules for radicals” connection. Axelrod has spent his entire life promoting extremist candidates, but no one bothered to look into his background. Today, he advises Obama on all things political. Director of Energy and Climate Change – Carol Browner Browner previously served as head of the EPA during the Clinton regime where she advocated environmental regulations that eventually destroyed entire industries. So much for analyzing the consequences of policy decisions. At a time when America is losing jobs in record numbers, she is obviously not who we need. Browner is another socialist and was picked by Socialist International to be one of 14 leaders of a group it created called the Commission for a Sustainable World Society. SI believes in massive wealth redistribution from the West to the Third World, choosing to ignore the evidence that Third World countries are poor substantially due to their socialist policies. Moreover, SI constantly attacks the free market in general and the United States in particular. The fact that Obama has chosen both Browner and Todd Stern (Climate Czar) does not bode well for the American economy. As has become a recurrent theme, facts don’t matter. It is known that the climate models used by Browner and Stern to justify draconian new regulations – such as Cap and Trade – are based on inaccurate data. This fact has not fazed the Obama administration one bit. For Obama, environmentalism appears to be a tool for increasing government control, power and wealth distribution… little else. General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Management & Budget – Preeta Bansal- Bansal is very close to Obama; she acts behind the scenes advising him regarding the selection of federal judges. She is on the far left side of the judicial spectrum and is a leader of the misnamed American Constitutional Society, a group that believes in a “living Constitution” and works to “debunk” the “original intent” concept. ACS’s view that the Constitution should constantly change undermines the purpose for having a constitution. The ACS is obsessed with criminal rights, illegal alien rights, terrorist rights, and whatever else comes to their collective mind. ACS is America’s main networking group for far-left attorneys and is where Bansal is recruiting many of Obama’s judicial nominees. Bansal is also a member of the “critical race theory (CRT)” school of legal thought that boils all legal concepts down to racist conspiracies and the belief that racism permeates all aspects of American society. Indeed, she even co-authored a paper claiming that republicanism is based upon racist consensus. In other words, she believes the entire concept of representative democracy is based upon racist assumptions. And conservatives are considered the racists??? This mind set is patently offensive. But there it is, anyway. Judge Richard Posner of the United States Court of Appeals called CRT supporters the “lunatic core” of “radical legal egalitarianism.” Bansal is a lunatic and her appointment ensures that Obama’s judicial appointments will be far more about “diversity” than they will be about competence. Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Executive office of the President — Cecilia Munoz Munoz is a committed open borders advocate who recently served as the Vice President for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), where she supervised all legislative activities. La Raza is the nation’s foremost supporter of “rights” for illegal aliens and the granting of amnesty to the millions of illegals here in America. In her opinion, it is irrelevant that illegal aliens are costing America billions of dollars; she believes they should enjoy the same rights as citizens. Like much of Obama’s administration, she served on a George Soros funded group, the Open Society Institute. We can see the impact that this mindset has within the Obama administration. We see a constant quiet push for a massive transfer of benefits and welfare to illegal aliens in addition to legislation granting amnesty to all those here illegally. I want to take a moment to clear up some of the smoke and lies of this campaign and administration. Notice my name… Bruce “Castro”. I was raised by a wonderful man who I called dad. Technically he was my step father. Much of the family I grew up with, didn’t even speak English. I love them. I have no desire for them or their friends to be kicked out of this country. I am no advocate of heartlessly deporting millions of “illegals” or their families or friends. Neither are the vast majority of conservatives. What they are in favor of, is securing the borders… creating an orderly, legal way to enter and stay in the country (as every other country in the world does), then creating a pathway to citizenship. What we have now, does not work and everyone knows it. Math and common sense dictate that if we implement amnesty first and then close the borders, by the time they are actually closed, we will have been inundated by millions of additional immigrants before the economy has had the time to grow the capability to support it. That means what? Even more bloated welfare rolls and unemployment. That may be a harsh reality, but it is a fact. If we could just magically snap our fingers and create enough jobs to support any population, we would not have the unemployment that now exists. In spite of the lies of the left, the followers of alinsky’s rules for radicals, It’s not racism, it’s not heartlessness, it’s reality. The constant attempt to paint conservatives as heartless and selfish is contemptible… but not surprising. As we see on a daily basis, truth means nothing to this administration. All that matters is power. For this administration and for liberal politicians, open borders has an obvious benefit. Porous borders, combined with lax, almost nonexistent voting requirements and the non enforcement of what few voting requirements do exist, helps in the reelection and maintenance of liberal power. Once again, we see that right, wrong, truth or lies… all are irrelevant. Nothing matters other than policies that ensure the continuation of power. Director, Domestic Policy Council – Melody Barnes She was previously Vice President of the far-left Center for American Progress and also served as Chief Counsel for Senator Ted Kennedy on the Senate Judiciary Committee. She advocates ZERO restrictions on abortion for any reason or at any time of pregnancy; late term, partial birth, etc… It doesn’t matter. . Some naïve pro-life leaders supported Obama, believing he was pro-life because he supposedly wanted to find ways to reduce abortions. For anyone paying attention, the addition of Barnes should have put that myth to rest. In a meeting with key pro-family leaders, Barnes made it clear that “It is not our goal to reduce the number of abortions.” Irrespective of the stage of the pregnancy, the viability of the baby, she closes her eyes to even the possibility of the baby being a person. She glorifies abortion as being a “concept of liberty that includes women as equal.”… “Reproductive rights are human rights.”… It’s as if an 8 month old, unborn child doesn’t even exist. She has been praised by The Nation magazine as a “dyed-in-the-wool progressive,” a euphemism for a socialist. She is also a former staff member for the American Constitutional Society, the far-left legal group mentioned elsewhere, that basically as its goal, the destruction of our fundamental constitutional principles. THIS WAS OUR CHANGE? President Obama was for Hope and Change. He was to be the man to unite us; a president to all. He swore to uphold the constitution of the United States and the principles it holds. How is it that the vast majority of his appointments, the people who implement policy, create policy, enforce our laws, create regulations, our principles… have histories and views that are so diametrically opposite of the fundamental principles that made this country great? They have shown themselves to be anti capitalism, anti constitution, averse to our principles of free speech; some even believe that we should subjugate our country’s decision and legal principles to the dictates of the UN… Do we really believe that these were accidents? Over and over and over? This is who and what Obama has surrounded himself with. This is not just the company that he keeps. These are the people he chose to put into power. What does this say about our President? I think it tells us who he is. Personally, I have always been for Hope and Change… I still am… I hope we have a change of president… I don’t know about you, but I have no desire to have my life controlled by the principles that govern Saudi Arabia, Iran or France. But that, I believe is where we are heading. Did anyone really vote for this?? It has been said that “All that is required for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing”

Do I think that Obama is evil? No.
However, I KNOW that if fully implemented, his political philosophy will the destroy the US as we know it.
Please, join the battle… spread the word.

More from Bruce Castro

Does God Exist?

Does God Exist?

 If he did, would you want to know? If biology, Darwinism, the fossil record and all the things you were taught that “proved” God was not necessary… if these “facts” were shown to demonstrably wrong, would you want to know? If all the “facts” that convinced you or others that there is no God and there can be no God and no reason for God, were not true… would you want to know? Much of what we were taught is simply wrong! Atheistic biologists, chemists, geologists astronomers, etc… when faced with the newest scientific discoveries are becoming Christians!… 

Most people want truth, but truth is sometimes uncomfortable. Many have, for years, been so inculcated with the belief that God has been “disproved“, that their mind is closed to the evidence. The fact is that much of what were were taught is wrong! Provably wrong, but has been hidden from us.

A disbelief in God is to believe amongst other things, that the unbreakable laws of thermodynamics… were broken. Everything came from nothing. “big bang” Life was created by an accidental random combination of “dirt”. ”The first living cell” Order Comes from Chaos. “The Law of Entropy” The newest biological and geological evidence puts into question much of what we have been taught and what our most brilliant scientists had always believed. The more they look into the unbelievable complexity of life, the fine tuning of the universe, even too it’s very creation, the more the think “this just doesn’t make sense”. The newest discoveries are making turning many of the most strident atheists into Christians… But don’t take my word for it… see the opinions of the worlds foremost biologists, anthropologists, biochemists, geologists…

If truth matters, read on…

  Join the Forum discussion on this post

Are Drug Companies and the FDA Killing Us?

Is someone you know or love, dying… because the FDA won’t let them have the CURE???
 The answer is probably yes! The FDA and Big Pharma are Killing Us! It’s happening! See from Forbes Magazine… “Approve a medication that has an unintended side effect and congressional headline-seekers will be giving officials the third degree. Better to let people die by depriving them of new medicines than to be excoriated by congress“. * Should Americans die because FDA officials don’t want to be embarrassed? * Should people die because the FDA has made it so expensive to get FDA approval, that if a cure is not guaranteed to make BILLIONS, it will never make it to market? No matter the benefit, because of the FDA, we can’t have it! Does this make any sense? The situation is so bad that one doctor that has actually cured many cancers (the FDA even acknowledged it), was prosecuted, for doing so! The situation is crazy! But it can’t and won’t change unless the public is made aware! FOR THE SAKE OF THE PEOPLE YOU LOVE, for the your future health and that of your loved ones… SHARE THIS! This insanity must be stoppled! There are cures that are in existence that we can’t have. Even if you or you children don’t neeed them today…someday they will! If we want them to be availble when we need them, we better start doing something about it, Right Now! It has to start somewhere… why not us?… why not today? Share This! The following videos are just a couple of exaples of what is being denied to the public.

MORE MEDICINAL OPTIONS? How the FDA Kills Us! The FDA in conjunction with big pharma has a stranglehold on research and future drug patents. The profit motive combined with the total cowding out of competition guarantess corporate profits and fewer cures! If you are not big Pharma, you can’t even get to clinical trial. Big pharma suggested and FDA agreed to require fees just to apply for a trial. It provides the FDA with almost $600 million a year, about half of it’s budget. This puts the FDA on the payroll of the industry it regulates. The FDA now operates as if the customers are the Drug companies, rather than the consumer. What a great way to keep out competition and influence the decisions of the FDA. Trials often last 5 to 10 years or more and cost upwards of Five Hundred Million to complete. If you don’t have $500 million, let alone have the ability to risk $500 million, no matter how great the medication, you won’t get to trial… UNLESS, you partner up with Big Pharma (another way they control the industry). Natural Remedies- You can’t patent a nutrient or vitamin and you can’t advertise anything as a cure (even if it is), for anything without FDA approval, which you can’t get for under $500 million. Then, once you get the approval, you can’t profit from it because it is an unpatentable natural product. The result is that if it’s not a drug that can be patented, it will NEVER get FDA approval and therefore, it will never be allowed to be advertised and used for a cure… even if it works! Whether by design or accident, no cures can be offered to the consumer unless it’s controlled by big pharma through the FDA.. Is this killing us? It Can’t Be That Bad? If you came up with a therapy or even CURE for cancer that was head and shoulders more effective than any other approved therapy, you’d get rich right? The world would sing your praises, buildings and towns would be named after you… right? 

WRONG! see the cure for cancer…

 specifically 39 minutes into the film.

It happened. A dramatic improvement in treatment (for many, an outright cure that most still have not heard about), was discovered that resulted in complete remission in MANY patients, a much higher remission and cure rate than with any FDA approved treatments… and there were absolutely no side affects. So what did the FDA do in conjunction with the National Cancer Institute? What did our government do? Focus on this fabulous life saving breakthrough, right? Not exactly. They fought it all the way. Put up road blocks, prosecuted the Doctor that made the discovery, tried to destroy him, embroiled him in specious legal battles while surreptitiously partnering with a dishonest associate of the inventing doctor. They, started a “new” company and attempted to steal the patents on it. FDA Mandates Death? Assume you are dying, there is no FDA approved cure but there is a new treatment, unapproved but with promising results. If you take it, you might live. You also might die. If you don’t take it, you die. PERIOD. Thousands, if not, millions face this heart wrenching choice every year. Take the experimental drug and possibly live or maybe die… or DON’T take that chance face an inevitable death because nothing else has a chance. Most any sane person would choose to take the gamble. Nothing to lose a new life to gain. The problem is, They don’t have that choice. Without FDA approval, even if you want to take that chance, you can’t. If the doctor or practitioner gives you the treatment, they will be put in prison. So your only choice is to die! Isn’t it your body? Isn’t that what we always hear? Our body, our choice, except when it comes to an incurable disease? Then our only choice is to die??? What are they afraid of? If you don’t take it, you WILL die, If you DO take it you might die but might live? Cancer and Statins comprise a huge medical industry. Just as with all other things, when big money is involved, ethics go out the window… people are dying because of it.

Want to know more? Want to comment? Join ASN

Friday, August 3, 2012

Gabriella Douglas's Hair???

To be quite honest, I'm tired of believing  in my people's growth and development. All I can really do is do exactly what I am doing by talking about it and hoping others take heed and raise my children to be so much better than this. We are so mentally destroyed and we don't seem to care at all. Our priorities are so twisted in a loop and we have no clue where to start to even untwist it let alone, start to put it in a decent order! We worry about money, keeping up with the trends and fashion more than intelligence and properly trying to educate ourselves and it's so sad because all of these things are nothing but clear physical and material lies to us. On the American Dollar it clearly gloats about just being a Federal Promissory Note; a debt that could be temporarily used to replace a debt! We follow trends of people that start it and move on to the next as soon as the pipe gets the rats running and wear things that the people who made them won't even wear and probably hate our guts but love the position of power we keep them in!
This world is banking off of the deeply instilled insecurities of our Black Community! I was really hoping that I would see some sort of clear change by 2012 since it's the beginning of a new cycle and since we were finally able to see a real person of color take on a lead position in our generation but instead I read articles of how my people chose to ridicule another young beautiful black because her hair wasn't done while she was basking in the energy of her dream! You mean to tell me, my young black sister has made it all the way to the OLYMPICS and instead of rooting and cheering for her success you were talking about how she should have been up there FRONTING like the rest of us trying to be too cute???? Got to be kidding me! When I heard this, I went and did some research on the young Gabby Douglas.....
Douglas is the daughter of Timothy Douglas and Natalie Hawkins.[20] She began training in gymnastics at age six when her older sister, Arielle, convinced their mother to enroll her in gymnastics classes.[21] When she was eight years old, Douglas won an all-around gymnastics award for her level at the 2004 Virginia State Championships.[22] When Douglas moved to Iowa to train under Liang Chow, Douglas and her sister had to convince their mother to let Douglas leave Virginia and live with a host family in West Des Moines.[23][24] - Wiki (

She had a beautiful sister to believe in her gift before anyone else noticed it! A rising star from a young age and still on the rise while most of my people are sitting at our social networks talking about how high we are from our millionth blunt of weed, or how we just spent $2,000 on some fashion that will be out of style in no time and talking negative about someone that will have a future that could afford to MAKE the things we love to buy so much and will have the ones who spoke negative eating out her hands soon! This is a 16 year old black girl competing in the MOST competitive competition for our people and we sit on Twitters and Facebooks and Instagrams frowning upon her HAIR! The media is having a field day with this, they never fail at being able to show how WE make OURSELVES look like idiots in public.
"Now it's time for Gabby Douglas to relax and let her hair down.

 Douglas, the 16-year-old gymnast from Virginia Beach, is on top of the world after winning the Olympic gold medal in the all-around competition. But along the way, in a bizarre sidelight to her joyful journey, she has been the focus of intense criticism (mostly via social media) of her hair.
Too much gel. Too many pins. Never mind that she is more concerned with aerodynamics than with fashion sense when she's competing.Type "Gabby Douglas" into google, and the most dominant phrase is not "Gabby Douglas gold" or "Gabby Douglas Olympics."  It's "Gabby Douglas hair."
The critiques were at times mean-spirited, and they consistenly made you wonder how grown adults could watch an adolescent girl make athletic history and somehow be this concerned about what her hair looks like." - Daily Press

"@MessyMeil said, "So for real though nobody wanted to go to London to do Gabby Douglas' hair?" - Tweeter
"@Kimehouse posted, "Gabby Douglas is cute and all...but that hair.......on camera." - Tweeter
"I find it sad that I have seen more Black women post criticizing comments about Gabby's hair than I have comments of praise about her athleticism or adding color to USA Gymnastics since Dominique Dawes," wrote Monisha Randolph at

Randolph also wrote:
Many African American women choose not to work out in order to protect their hairstyle, Randolph points out. "The last time I checked when you play a sport, you sweat. I know I do. And when a Black woman who has chosen to wear her hair straight begins to sweat, her hair will (not might) begin to revert back to its natural coily, curly, or kinky state," she writes. "Some of us are sitting up right now with our hair done but suffering from high blood pressure, borderline diabetes, obesity, and/or a lack of energy. Oh, but the hair is on point." - Yahoo
I conclude this post with the big question: WHEN WILL WE GET IT TOGETHER???? Or should we go extinct and start back over because we're a hopeless and lost race of people?

I'm really looking for some intelligent responses to this.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Freedom of Speech?

Freedom of Speech: Do we really have that freedom? According to the 1st Amendment of our Constitution we do but according to the court system and a majority of society, we don't!
According to the USC:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. (Cornell Law,
According to the Supreme Court:
Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws. The freedom is not absolute; the Supreme Court of the United States has recognized several categories of speech that are excluded from the freedom of speech, and it has recognized that governments may enact reasonable time, place, or manner restrictions on speech. (Wiki

But, The Supreme Court never ruled on the constitutionality of any federal law regarding the Free Speech Clause until the 20th century. (Wiki
Why did they decide to overrule a right we were obligated to have all of a sudden?
What was the change due to?
Who exactly were those rights intended for then?

I leave loopholes in my arguments for those thinkers to add on, but like a friend of mine recently brought up, back up your arguments with research and lets educate one another rather than fight over something we may not really have the RIGHT to fight over in the first place.

I would like to continue this discussion drop a comment.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wonders of this World.

Some things just add up too perfectly.

Slavery, Segregation and Religion

Does Religion Condone Slavery and Segregation?.......
Hmmm, let's see, we all should agree that it does if we actually read the Bible, Torah, Quran, etc etc or even look at the structure of Religion and how you're all taught to smite the non believers and take your own as a servant because they're of a lower class than you are or how everyone basically praises the religious leaders (or any leader of that matter) although they would never admit it or they just dont see it. That is a form of Psychological Slavery same as the William Lynch theory!
Now I don't say anything to bash Religion because who really knows but the dead what's on the other side of life and they haven't come back and spread the word yet although anything is possible in this universe, but I make comparisons and when I discover portions that don't make any sense and I research and bring it all together where I feel that logically it does make sense I spread the word because who knows, there;s probably many people that ask themselves the same things as I do. I love to use  the Religious scriptures as references though, like, for example, Islam teaches you to speak to the non believers in a language in which they understand the most. So back to my topic; in all religious scriptures that I know of, I could clearly see the system in place to keep us divided. If you look at the structure of different countries you would see the foundation is some sort of religious belief, even if it's Paganism like America but they utilize it to separate the people in it and the people surrounding it and teach the mass of people that it's justified to form a massive gang with an oath called the Pledge of Allegiance (I'll have a whole different post about this) which they mentally program us to follow from early childhood. That's separation on a wide scale, then you have the ingenious version on a smaller scale when you take one country and mix it all up with different beliefs so that everybody WITHIN that country would be ready to pounce on each other at the drop of an order! All they would need to do is put a strong religious leader in place and have him or her lead the militia. We're SLAVES of the System and Religion is a major key like a bunch of Rats on a Wheel chasing a piece of cheese (Heaven, 40 Acres and a Mule, Sovereignty, etc) they'll never get unless they jump OFF that wheel but the System is a perfect design because the wheel is generating energy to a massive machine called World Order.
Now although I went a bit deeper into this topic then I probably should, you could see proof of condoning this form of slavery and segregation and control in your own religion: I'll use the Bible and Quran as references;

- Exodus 21:20-21 "And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money."

- 33:50 - "Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty."
Is this our purpose, to be the generators of this world? To till for a stronger force? To be the energy for a massive machine like in the movie the Matrix?
Who really knows, I don't but I see things and when i have a question I seek answers and more and more starts to make sense but more and more questions are also revealed..... My purpose for my blog is to open the minds of more people in effort to help everyone at LEAST jump off that wheel of fear and desperation....

Abu Aasiya - Biblical Verses Condoning and Regulating Slavery
Silas - Slavery in Islam

Baby Mama Drama (Cont'd)

Baby Mama Drama (Cont'd):
It's sad because more times than none its our own people against each other like that and the court systems are designed to keep the cycle rotating in our communities. This is one of the many branches that follow up on my post about the William Lynch theory yesterday! I wish my people would put it all together so it's fixed! There are good men out there, although you and him didnt work you have a BABY together that would benefit from the BOTH of you because NONE of you were A Sexual and had it yourselves so it is a perfect blend of both and need the teachings of both. To deprive a child of that proper structuring is definitely child abuse and neglect and the parent who is liable for it is the parent preventing it! This is why our generation is so twisted up now! Look at how these children are running around acting!!!
"This is when the attorneys usually start planning their strategy, and playing games with the court system. Not to mention with your emotions. A lawyer knows, the courts will always look out for the child's best interest first. And will do their best to keep the child as stable as possible in such a traumatic situation. And by keeping them in one particular household or primary residence, this will give the child more stability.

This clever little move, will work against the father later on because now, the child has established a so-called stable environment with the mother. And makes it nearly impossible for the father to convince the judge to uproot the children once again, in which case, means the father is almost certain not to get primary custody. The courts look at this like, let a sleeping dog lie. Even if in reality, the father is a better parent or role model for the child. In most cases, Mothers seem to have all the rights. And fathers just become weekend dads, and are ordered to pay astronomical amounts of child support. And in many cases, these payments are far beyond the father's financial ability to pay."
In this continuance of the topic, I ask women WHY, knowing you have the a better chance when utilizing the government and it's benefits (what little benefits it does offer) would you ALLOW and work in conjunction WITH that system to keep your men down!?  You could just take advantage of what they have to offer without seeking to use the Serpent's System to destroy your own (I say Serpent because look at the symbols on most of the government entities, there's usually a Serpent in it, right? Medical... Legal... Etc). There's a repeated cycle since the story of Adam, Eve and the Serpent and we refuse to pay it attention. Now don't get me wrong, I know the WANNABE TRIFLING type men may provoke you to run to that system but do not use that Serpent with the intentions of bringing about some negative for your own satisfaction because THAT'S not helping the children, that's only satisfying your own personal hatred....

The blog I quoted was written by Bobby K. Click Here for more!

Baby Mama Drama

Baby Mama Drama: 
Now before I touch on this topic I'd like to give props to my children's mother and all of the other mothers that don't wear the shoe I'm about to throw.... And for the trifling men, I have a blog coming soon for you 'Less Than's' too... This post will not only be to start controversy but also to enlighten both the women and the men in these situations and hopefully make you idiots realize that the children are what should matter the most, NOT your own selfish grudges! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "For as long as anyone can remember, the court system has been very biased when it comes to child custody. And it usually falls in the mothers favor. But many fathers have lost a child custody battle, simply because they didn't take the time to learn how the court system works. Or should I say, works against them. Studies show, that fathers can be their own worst enemy in a child custody battle, because this is one time, when a man thinks with his emotions rather than logic. Women tend to be more vicious right from the beginning, and waste no time in finding out what they need to do, to win custody and acquire child-support. They learn quickly, that by making a bunch of crazy and in most cases, untrue allegations against the father, such as claiming some sort of child abuse, or that the father is a drug addict or alcoholic, and of course their favorite, The battered wife syndrome. The judge, will almost always allow the mother to have at least temporary custody." - For More Click Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now OF COURSE there will be women to dispute this and point all 8 fingers forgetting the thumbs at the men and TRUST me I know there are some TRIFLING GOOD FOR NOTHING< NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO TRY TRASHY FAKE FLASHY FRONTING WANNABE kats out there who just don't even try but just like I could admit that because I know that's not the type I am, I would only look at the women who get defensive about this post as those who may fit the shoe perfectly..... STOP USING THE CHILDREN AS PAWNS! Just because you secretly still attracted to the man or you feel he hurt you before y'all broke up the children are still BOTH of your's and to use them against the man by making it difficult for him to be in their lives freely and BE their Father then YOU are the one abusing your children and I personally believe there should be a separate law on just that alone!
I know most women are thinking that of course a man would say this and I'll admit it was a man whose blog I quoted in the second paragraph but I also know women who understand true ethics and actually realize that that behavior is very unethical and immature such as Dr. Kalima Abdul-Quddus Lewis of Lady in the Shoe Productions. You could check out her phenomenal radio show right here!

Listen to internet radio with MsShoe on Blog Talk

If you have anything to add or dispute, feel free to drop a comment and prepare to be verbally and mentally pleasured or DESTROYED!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Whose System?

Ancient Sparta: Boys Education in ancient Sparta The boys of Sparta were obliged to leave home at the age of 7 to join sternly disciplined groups under the supervision of a hierarchy of officers. From age 7 to 18, they underwent an increasingly severe course of training. Spartan boys were sent to military school at age 6 or 7. They lived, trained and slept in their the barracks of their brotherhood. At school, they were taught survival skills and other skills necessary to be a great soldier. School courses were very hard and often painful. Although students were taught to read and write, those skills were not very important to the ancient Spartans. Only warfare mattered. The boys were not fed well, and were told that it was fine to steal food as long as they did not get caught stealing. If they were caught, they were beaten. They boys marched without shoes to make them strong. It was a brutal training period. At 18, Spartan boys became military cadets and learned the arts of war. At 20, they joined the state militia--a standing reserve force available for duty in time of emergency--in which they served until they were 60 years old. The typical Spartan may or may not have been able to read. But reading, writing, literature, and the arts were considered unsuitable for the soldier-citizen and were therefore not part of his education. Music and dancing were a part of that education, but only because they served military ends. Girls Education in ancient Sparta Unlike the other Greek city-states, Sparta provided education for girls that went beyond the domestic arts. The girls were not forced to leave home, but otherwise their training was similar to that of the boys. They too learned to run, jump, throw the javelin and discus, and wrestle mightiest strangle a bull. Somewhere between the age of 18-20, Spartan males had to pass a difficult test of fitness, military ability, and leadership skills. Any Spartan male who did not pass these examinations became a perioikos. (The perioikos, or the middle class, were allowed to own property, have business dealings, but had no political rights and were not citizens.) If they passed, they became a full citizen and a Spartan soldier. Spartan citizens were not allowed to touch money. That was the job of the middle class. Spartan soldiers spent most of their lives with their fellow soldiers. They ate, slept, and continued to train in their brotherhood barracks. Even if they were married, they did not live with their wives and families. They lived in the barracks. Military service did not end until a Spartan male reached the age of 60. At age 60, a Spartan soldier could retire and live in their home with their family. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the same type of relationship order as what is taught in the William Lynch plan; don't teach the men just keep them physically strong to be used! Makes me wonder again about the existence of William Lynch and the true initiator of this system....


We have reversed the relationship; in her natural uncivilized state, she would have a strong dependency on the uncivilized nigger male, and she would have a limited protective tendency toward her independent male offspring and would raise male offsprings to be dependent like her. Nature had provided for this type of balance. We reversed nature by burning and pulling a civilized nigger apart and bullwhipping the other to the point of death, all in her presence. By her being left alone, unprotected, with the MALE IMAGE DESTROYED, the ordeal caused her to move from her psychologically dependent state to a frozen, independent state. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need all of our Men back! Too many homosexuals Too many uncle toms (Meaning quick to turn on our own to please...) Too many scared men ( Afraid of what everybody else will say or think) Too much hatred amongst each other (Hate your brother because you envy what he has) We need out Women back! Too many homosexuals Too many Don't Need A Man's (Meaning those that don't understand the proper order of how it was meant to be because regardless of how the system is set up, the Man was embedded with the natural instinct to lead his Woman but how if she's rebellious?) Too many scared women (Afraid to trust her man) Too much hatred amongst each other (Envious competitive jealousy towards one another) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What I posted at the very top was the diabolical plan for the VERY FIRST New World Order!

Whose Law?

Isn't this where we are now! For FEAR of the young male’s life, she will psychologically train him to be MENTALLY WEAK and DEPENDENT, butPHYSICALLY STRONG. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her FEMALE offsprings to be psychologically independent. What have you got? You’ve got the nigger WOMAN OUT FRONT AND THE nigger MAN BEHIND AND SCARED. This is a perfect situation of sound sleep and economics. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- And people say to me, no you have to be this or that so you don't get in trouble. in trouble with WHAT? THE LAW? WHOSE LAW? If you ask me, we should be BREAKING this damn Chain a whole lot more! They can't hold or kill us all! BREAK OUT THIS UNNECESSARY DRAMA BETWEEN EACH OTHER AND STAND THE FUCK UP TOGETHER AGAIN............ But no, because If I go back to prison or something happens to me for all the shit post up or trying to help bring about awareness or fight for what I believe in, nobody else would be there with me, you would be screaming telling me stop or you would disappear on me and I would be remembered as that crazy Nigger and it will all be frivolous and I'd been done died really for nothing but my own cause which to me is sufficient enough but I rather go for something greater if the opportunity presented itself........ Stand Up!

Very First New World Order

Ok so in the Biblical days, Adam started off in front but then was broken down by Eve when his dumb ass let her tell him to eat the damn whatever fruit like the damn Serpent told her stupid ass to do when the Capital Letters LORD God said NOT to get no knowledge from that damn tree because you're going to learn the flip side and it's going to have you twisted up! But she did what she wanted to do like always and let Sir Serpent slide in her and make her cum to the tree and then she was so sprung out on Sir Serp A Lot that she set ol good boy Adam up for failure because he was weak. Ok to my point is Serpent = Willie and them, Eve = Nigger Girl and Adam = Nigger Boy.... Now read this.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE BREAKING PROCESS OF THE AFRICAN WOMAN Take the female and run a series of tests on her to see if she will submit to your desires willingly. Test her in every way, because she is the most important factor for good economics. If she shows any sign of resistance in submitting completely to your will, do not hesitate to use the bullwhip on her to extract that last bit of [b----] out of her. Take care not to kill her, for in doing so, you spoil good economics. When in complete submission, she will train her offsprings in the early years to submit to labor when they become of age. Understanding is the best thing. Therefore, we shall go deeper into this area of the subject matter concerning what we have produced here in this breaking process of the female nigger. We have reversed the relationship; in her natural uncivilized state, she would have a strong dependency on the uncivilized nigger male, and she would have a limited protective tendency toward her independent male offspring and would raise male offsprings to be dependent like her. Nature had provided for this type of balance. We reversed nature by burning and pulling a civilized nigger apart and bullwhipping the other to the point of death, all in her presence. By her being left alone, unprotected, with the MALE IMAGE DESTROYED, the ordeal caused her to move from her psychologically dependent state to a frozen, independent state. In this frozen, psychological state of independence, she will raise her MALE and female offspring in reversed roles. For FEAR of the young male’s life, she will psychologically train him to be MENTALLY WEAK and DEPENDENT, butPHYSICALLY STRONG. Because she has become psychologically independent, she will train her FEMALE offsprings to be psychologically independent. What have you got? You’ve got the nigger WOMAN OUT FRONT AND THE nigger MAN BEHIND AND SCARED. This is a perfect situation of sound sleep and economics. Before the breaking process, we had to be alertly on guard at all times. Now, we can sleep soundly, for out of frozen fear his woman stands guard for us. He cannot get past her early slave-molding process. He is a good tool, now ready to be tied to the horse at a tender age. By the time a nigger boy reaches the age of sixteen, he is soundly broken in and ready for a long life of sound and efficient work and the reproduction of a unit of good labor force. Continually through the breaking of uncivilized savage niggers, by throwing the nigger female savage into a frozen psychological state of independence, by killing the protective male image, and by creating a submissive dependent mind of the nigger male slave, we have created an orbiting cycle that turns on its own axis forever, unless a phenomenon occurs and re-shifts the position of the male and female slaves. We show what we mean by example. Take the case of the two economic slave units and examine them close. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now on top of that, look around you at all these post by you or your friends continuously hating men but wanting them to treat them like Queens, Queens meaning, continuing to do as I say all the time, eat the fruit, make me cum for the tree, let me chill with the serpent and you just name shit, and work because, I'M YOUR GIFT said Capital Letters LORD God.... (Where? Maybe in one of the many different versions who knows but It was all suppose to be Flesh of my Flesh, Blood of my Blood (no Blood gang shit) and we were NEVER EVER suppose to be against one another for NOTHING! But I bet you'll read this and blame someone right.....

Who Really Knows?

Something else to think about: Who the hell was William Lynch and why, if he had so much pull does he not have any history and nothing else can be found on him? But, regardless of all that, if you read his theory or letter or whatever you choose to call it, and you look at the way of the Negro People or Niggers (as it was so forwardly put) of today, wouldn't you agree that it looks like the plan was a success! And if you really look over the William Lynch Theory/Letter/Speech and read over all these religions ESPECIALLY the Bible and Quran, wouldn't you agree that it looks like the same story in a different form...... If not that it sure as hell clearly says that religion was a major ingredient in the development of the plan when it says, "The next step is to take a bullwhip and beat the remaining nigger males to the point of death, in front of the female and the infant. Don’t kill him, but PUT THE FEAR OF GOD IN HIM, for he can be useful for future breeding."..... So go back up to when I said don't this plan look like it was a success! Don't we fear something we never seen, heard, felt, smelt, tasted or anything because we were TOLD to and doesn't it prevent us from fighting back sometimes, tells us to stay humble all the time, when wrong comes to us in this life persevere because somewhere in a life after we die we will be great (Die First Nigger!) or in the case of Islam fight back but when we do, we go to prison in this life and when we get out, we have a record that most of society holds on us but we are to be good people because when we die will be blessed.... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Who really knows..... Somebody DIE and COME BACK and tell the world about it NOW because if Jesus did it, that was too damn long ago to really affect what's going on today! Ask yourself why if there were SO MANY Prophets and Holy People walking the earth many of so called generations before us why all of a sudden the wave of great holy powerful mystical, water walking, sea parting people stopped well before any of us can remember but yet its crammed in us to be nice or you will go to Hell! You will be BURNED MILLIONS OF TIMES OVER AND OVER AGAIN for ETERNITY! and then the contradiction of You will be blessed with the great things of this world and the hereafter if you be a good little boy and girl (Sounds like another familiar story?)..... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anybody ever read Behold A Pale Horse by William Cooper???? Who knows if any of his shit was real but when you look at a lot and compare a lot of things pieces start to fall in place and fit.....

Diabolical Plan - Hand in Hand

Adam loved Eve, but she was later seduced by the serpent, who was actually Satan, the one who rebelled against the Most High God and the one who leads the evil spirits in their rebellion against the Kingdom of Heaven and God's purposes. Eve was deceived and she ate of the forbidden fruit (the Bible doesn't say what kind of fruit it was). Then Adam, who was with her, chose to eat of the fruit also and they sinned. When they sinned, spiritual and physical death came into the world and fellowship with God was broken. Like a rose being plucked off the vine, they were immediately disconnected from their source of life. You can almost see the shame and guilt and fear of their new nature taking over... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Don't forget, you must pitch the old Black vs. the young Black male, and the young Black male against the old Black male. You must use the dark skinned slaves vs the light skinned slaves, and the light skinned slaves vs. the dark skinned slaves. You must use the female vs. the male, and the male vs. the female. You must also have your servants and overseers distrust all Blacks, but it is necessary that your slaves trust and depend on us. They must love, respect, and trust only us. PLEASE READ Pay little attention to the generation of original breaking, but CONCENTRATE ON FUTURE GENERATION. Therefore, if you break theFEMALE mother, she will BREAK the offspring in its early years of development; and when the offspring is old enough to work, she will deliver it up to you, for her normal female protective tendencies will have been lost in the original breaking process. For example, take the case of the wild stud horse, a female horse and an already infant horse and compare the breaking process with two captured nigger males in their natural state, a pregnant nigger woman with her infant offspring. Take the stud horse, break him for limited containment. Completely break the female horse until she becomes very gentle, whereas you or anybody can ride her in her comfort. Breed the mare and the stud until you have the desired offspring. Then, you can turn the stud to freedom until you need him again. Train the female horse whereby she will eat out of your hand, and she will in turn train the infant horse to eat out of your hand, also. When it comes to breaking the uncivilized nigger, use the same process, but vary the degree and step up the pressure, so as to do a complete reversal of the mind. Take the meanest and most restless nigger, strip him of his clothes in front of the remaining male niggers, the female, and the nigger infant, tar and feather him, tie each leg to a different horse faced in opposite directions, set him afire and beat both horses to pull him apart in front of the remaining niggers. The next step is to take a bullwhip and beat the remaining nigger males to the point of death, in front of the female and the infant. Don’t kill him, but PUT THE FEAR OF GOD IN HIM, for he can be useful for future breeding. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Can you see the comparison? Woman shitted on man to follow the Serpent. We get fucked up over it and she keeps the cycle going now beefing with us like we started the whole thing.... The Serpent keeps us fighting against one another instead of us seeing the bigger picture. Seeing and understanding the bigger picture will get us back into the Garden of Eden which represents bliss. Controversial because nobody wants to take it in