Sunday, July 29, 2012

Baby Mama Drama

Baby Mama Drama: 
Now before I touch on this topic I'd like to give props to my children's mother and all of the other mothers that don't wear the shoe I'm about to throw.... And for the trifling men, I have a blog coming soon for you 'Less Than's' too... This post will not only be to start controversy but also to enlighten both the women and the men in these situations and hopefully make you idiots realize that the children are what should matter the most, NOT your own selfish grudges! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "For as long as anyone can remember, the court system has been very biased when it comes to child custody. And it usually falls in the mothers favor. But many fathers have lost a child custody battle, simply because they didn't take the time to learn how the court system works. Or should I say, works against them. Studies show, that fathers can be their own worst enemy in a child custody battle, because this is one time, when a man thinks with his emotions rather than logic. Women tend to be more vicious right from the beginning, and waste no time in finding out what they need to do, to win custody and acquire child-support. They learn quickly, that by making a bunch of crazy and in most cases, untrue allegations against the father, such as claiming some sort of child abuse, or that the father is a drug addict or alcoholic, and of course their favorite, The battered wife syndrome. The judge, will almost always allow the mother to have at least temporary custody." - For More Click Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now OF COURSE there will be women to dispute this and point all 8 fingers forgetting the thumbs at the men and TRUST me I know there are some TRIFLING GOOD FOR NOTHING< NOT EVEN ATTEMPTING TO TRY TRASHY FAKE FLASHY FRONTING WANNABE kats out there who just don't even try but just like I could admit that because I know that's not the type I am, I would only look at the women who get defensive about this post as those who may fit the shoe perfectly..... STOP USING THE CHILDREN AS PAWNS! Just because you secretly still attracted to the man or you feel he hurt you before y'all broke up the children are still BOTH of your's and to use them against the man by making it difficult for him to be in their lives freely and BE their Father then YOU are the one abusing your children and I personally believe there should be a separate law on just that alone!
I know most women are thinking that of course a man would say this and I'll admit it was a man whose blog I quoted in the second paragraph but I also know women who understand true ethics and actually realize that that behavior is very unethical and immature such as Dr. Kalima Abdul-Quddus Lewis of Lady in the Shoe Productions. You could check out her phenomenal radio show right here!

Listen to internet radio with MsShoe on Blog Talk

If you have anything to add or dispute, feel free to drop a comment and prepare to be verbally and mentally pleasured or DESTROYED!

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