Sunday, July 29, 2012

Slavery, Segregation and Religion

Does Religion Condone Slavery and Segregation?.......
Hmmm, let's see, we all should agree that it does if we actually read the Bible, Torah, Quran, etc etc or even look at the structure of Religion and how you're all taught to smite the non believers and take your own as a servant because they're of a lower class than you are or how everyone basically praises the religious leaders (or any leader of that matter) although they would never admit it or they just dont see it. That is a form of Psychological Slavery same as the William Lynch theory!
Now I don't say anything to bash Religion because who really knows but the dead what's on the other side of life and they haven't come back and spread the word yet although anything is possible in this universe, but I make comparisons and when I discover portions that don't make any sense and I research and bring it all together where I feel that logically it does make sense I spread the word because who knows, there;s probably many people that ask themselves the same things as I do. I love to use  the Religious scriptures as references though, like, for example, Islam teaches you to speak to the non believers in a language in which they understand the most. So back to my topic; in all religious scriptures that I know of, I could clearly see the system in place to keep us divided. If you look at the structure of different countries you would see the foundation is some sort of religious belief, even if it's Paganism like America but they utilize it to separate the people in it and the people surrounding it and teach the mass of people that it's justified to form a massive gang with an oath called the Pledge of Allegiance (I'll have a whole different post about this) which they mentally program us to follow from early childhood. That's separation on a wide scale, then you have the ingenious version on a smaller scale when you take one country and mix it all up with different beliefs so that everybody WITHIN that country would be ready to pounce on each other at the drop of an order! All they would need to do is put a strong religious leader in place and have him or her lead the militia. We're SLAVES of the System and Religion is a major key like a bunch of Rats on a Wheel chasing a piece of cheese (Heaven, 40 Acres and a Mule, Sovereignty, etc) they'll never get unless they jump OFF that wheel but the System is a perfect design because the wheel is generating energy to a massive machine called World Order.
Now although I went a bit deeper into this topic then I probably should, you could see proof of condoning this form of slavery and segregation and control in your own religion: I'll use the Bible and Quran as references;

- Exodus 21:20-21 "And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished. Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money."

- 33:50 - "Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty."
Is this our purpose, to be the generators of this world? To till for a stronger force? To be the energy for a massive machine like in the movie the Matrix?
Who really knows, I don't but I see things and when i have a question I seek answers and more and more starts to make sense but more and more questions are also revealed..... My purpose for my blog is to open the minds of more people in effort to help everyone at LEAST jump off that wheel of fear and desperation....

Abu Aasiya - Biblical Verses Condoning and Regulating Slavery
Silas - Slavery in Islam

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